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Here are some tasks and assignments I have completed during our time learning with Microsoft Words

About Me Assignment

The picture above is an assignment that we did at the begining of the quarter. I believe that this was the first ever assignment I have done, and using my knowledge on words, I displayed some facts about me on the words document, including both words and pictures.

Hiring Poster

Bicycle Poster

The Hiring Poster and Bicycle Poster were both done in the same manner. Through this assignment, we first got introduced to tables and continued with pictures and words. Using all the things that we learned in tables, lettering and pictures, we were able to create a poster. We did the bicycle poster together with the teacher in class, and the hiring poster independently afterwards.

Shoes Comparison

The shoes comparison chart was kind of like a research project where we researched our choice of subject and created a table comparing them. We were introduced to merging and deleting cells and colouring them as well. Using the information that I gathered through researched, I inserted them into their correct places on the table, learned how to merge the cells, and used some colours and different styles of decorating to make it look nice.

Calenders 2021

The calenders were created using the tables factor on words. After making the April Calender with the teacher, we were able to create a calenders for 3 more months, that included pictures with special dates and holidays. I coloured all 3 calenders into a specific colour and used the knowledge I learnt before on words to make the calenders look nicer. I put a lot of work into all of these calenders and I am pretty satisfied on how the final result turned out.